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Saturday, February 13, 2010


Tessa did her valentines this year with no help from me whatsoever. She found a white bag lying around the house and coevered it with drawings and stickers to make it hers and then she proceeded to cut out hearts for each of her classmates. She did amazing and I love it when the kids get things started and finished on their own.

Kielle, Ryan and Ada made these cute Mad Libs Valentines. We got the idea from Design Mom and we liked it because they weren't lovey-dovey. We bought a huge book of Mad Libs from Borders for $6.99 and it took care of everyone's Valentine needs and left us with a ton left over for the kids to play too. We just cut out the mad lib sheets with a razor blade, rolled them up, wrapped a piece of colored paper around it and tied it with embroidery floss. Design Mom had other messages like "I can't lib without you" and "I'm mad about you" but the kids unanimously agreed that "you have mad skillz" was as sappy a sentiment that they wanted to express.

For the girls in Kielle and Ada's classes we made the scrabble tile necklaces. I found instructions for these at Make n Takes. I actually used clear nail polish to finish them off instead of a glaze and I used epoxy to put the bails on. We had made these in Young Womens and had leftovers so I let the girls use what was left. They put stickers on for their classmates first initials. They were easy and fun and a nice change from the store bought valentines.

Aaron & I went to Valentine's dinner on Friday to the Timberwolf Grill up Hobble Creek Canyon. It was a really great deal and a nice meal for the price. It was served mostly buffet style. I was expecting it to be a lot more upscale than it was. But it was nice enough that we would agree to go again. But what we are really excited about is the new Magelby's in town. We will be trying that on our next date!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's day!


Leslie Moseley said...

"You have mad skills" is about as sappy as I want to get too! Love the necklaces... what a cute idea

Clair said...

Tessa's bag is adorable. Thanks for sharing the great ideas. I think the mad libs is sooo awesome- especially for that age group. I hope to do it next year.