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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tessa's Favorite Christmas Gift

The only thing Tessa wanted for Christmas was Santa's Magic! At first we doubted Santa's ability to deliver this gift, but he is Santa and so amazing and well, he does have magic so why couldn't he share it with her? She was confident he could deliver and we soon became believers also. We all eagerly awaited Christmas day to see how Santa would share his gift of Magic with her.

Santa made Tessa a personalized book sharing the secret of his magic with Tessa along with a box that fills up with his magic. The book explained how Santa's magic comes from following the example Jesus set by being kind and loving to others. Tessa loves her magic book. She has taken very good care of her book and her box. Her book has journaling pages for her to record special magical moments she helped create. The box has magic dust in it that grows and shrinks according to her behavior. She says every night she hears a tinkling of bells and that is when her magic dust comes or goes. She recently told me that when she has kids she is going to put her box on a high shelf so they can't ruin it. She also told me that she wants to be buried with her magic box when she dies.

We were able to get Ada a very special Valentine and Tessa asked me if I had borrowed her magic to make it happen. But Ada told her that moms already know the secret to magic--which is true, but I think Santa's Magic Box helped me remember even better. So I will try harder to be kind like Jesus was and create some Magic of my own.

1 comment:

Leslie Moseley said...

You're such an awesome mom.