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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Softball Season (Ode to Summer)

More summer catch up...

Ada & Kielle both played softball this year. It made for one crazy month of running the girls between 2 different fields and often having games overlap. But they had a lot of fun! This was Kielle's 2nd year and she and Ada were in different leagues. Ada was in coach pitch. Her best position was 3rd base. She was really good at getting the ball and getting girls out.

Kielle was on a really great team with great coaches. They made it all the way to the state tournament! For some odd reason I never got a photo of her playing. Aaron was coaching the girls' at tournament and he let the kids man the camera this is what we got...

Next year Aaron will be coaching both Ada and Kielle that should be nicer at least for the fact that we will only have to go to one field!


heidizinha said...

my dad used to coach my sister and I and it was always awesome. i still treasure the fact that he made such a sacrifice to do that for us.

heidizinha said...

p.s. aida looks a lot like tessa (you?!) in these pictures.