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Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Rip-Stik has been grounded!

At least that what Kielle has said and I agree. Yesterday, Kielle and Ada were coming home from their cousin's house and Kielle hit an uneven patch on the sidewalk. She hit head-first on the sidewalk and then proceeded to scrape up the rest of her body while she was at it. She sent Ada to hurry home and get me and by the time Ada got me Kielle had walked herself down to the end of our block. The accident happened about 3 1/2 blocks from our house. I was trying to assess what happened at first she had a huge goose egg with a cut on her temple, scrapes on her shoulder, arm, waist, & knee. At first I didn't think too much of it, we cleaned her up, I threw her in the tub to get all the dirt off her, but she seemed to get progressively worse. She felt like throwing up, she was trembling, she was really tired. So Aaron & I decided to take her to the after hours clinic which is just 2 blocks away. She ended up throwing up at the clinic ( right when they put a bowl under her chin!) and the P.A., without saying it, made me feel really horrible about her not having a helmet on. I used to be really vigilante about the whole helmet thing, but the kids would often leave them outside and they would get destroyed anyway and I have since given up. Maybe I'll have to be more vigilante again...

Any how, they sent us over to the ER to get a cat scan. I was really nervous for her. Luckily she had no swelling of the brain or internal bleeding. She has a mild concussion. She needs to take it easy for a week. She's not allowed to do anything that would potentially give her another concussion. So no rip-stik, bike, flag football with the boys at school, etc.

It was a rough night last night and kind of a rough day today too, but she's starting to seem like she's doing a little better tonight.


Unknown said...

Mom said:
Oh my gosh! Poor Kielle. She was very brave to try to walk herself home. How scary for all of you. You do feel bad when so-called preventable things happen to your children. We've been there, too. But things happen even under the best of circumstances. Give her a hug for Grandma and Grandpa.
By the way, what is a rip-stik?

buttercup said...

A rip-stik is like a skateboard on casters

heidizinha said...

so glad she's okay!!!!

i used to be really vigilant too--a friend of mine died in 7th grade rollerblading and i swore i would always make sure i/we were wearing helmets. alas, we forget. thanks for the reminder.

ilikehearts said...

I am so glad she is okay. I had to take Carissa to the ER about a month ago because she passed out at home and hit her head on the way down. She was convulsing on the floor while unconscious, so we needed to make sure she was okay. The ER is always a scary place for kids. All those machines and needles they hook you up to. She had to have a CT scan too. Michael has had one also but for his asthma. Hopefully Kielle got the big donut machine and not the enclosed one. Carissa is fine. The doc said it was probably just a one-time event, which apparently happens quite often. Maybe while Kielle is sitting on the side-lines she will take up a safer hobby ☺.

Migaloo said...

I never make the urchins wear their helmets on the waveboard/rip-stick either. Perhaps I should maybe think about it. Yep, yep. Joseph is really good about wearing his helmet on his bike, which was fortunate when he wiped out yesterday and bonked his head. He got a headache out of it, but no trip to the clinic. The two older ones whine all the time about wearing helmets. I just remind them that if they had invented helmets when I was out joy-riding on my pet dinosaur, then I wouldn't be the way I am now!

Migaloo said...

Glad to know Kielle is gonna be alright.

Shelane said...

bad ripstick. bad, bad ripstick. go to your room.