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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Google Reader

I just have to tell everyone about Google Reader.  I love it because whenever my friends post something on their blogs, I know right away and I can go visit them.  I also don't  have to keep going back to their site when they haven't posted for a while, hoping to get news and then being downtrodden because there was nothing new.  I think EVERYONE should use Google Reader!  It is awesome.  You go to the website, set up an account if you don't already have a google account and then you subscribe to all your friends blogs!  Its that simple!  Go try it out!  And then you'll know when I update my site.  Which feels like it may be another eternity!

1 comment:

heidizinha said...

I'm a convert. I L-l-l-l-ove google reader.