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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Do any of your friends have this problem?

Tessa asked me an interesting question the other day after preschool.  She asked "Mommy, do any of your friends always have a runny nose?"  I made her repeat the question to make sure I got it right, replied no and asked her why she asked.  She told me that there was a little boy in her preschool class whose nose was always runny.  To my little girl she figured if her friend had this problem maybe some of my friends did too. That just got me to thinking.  Even though it's gross, it still is socially acceptable for a four-year-old to have a constantly runny nose.  But can you imagine if an adult always had one?  Your coworker, neighbor, sibling just always had snot running between their nose and lip.  Eww!  There's my random Musing for the day.


Anonymous said...

I suppose it's unlikely that this kid is hopped up on cocaine at his age, still, it's the first thing that crossed my mind.

Such is the world I work in.

At age 4, just about anything is socially acceptable. But, yeah, you'd think the parent would try to get a grip on the allergy/illness/whatever is keeping the river running.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tessa's classmate needs some medical intervention. No doubt it would even bother a little one at age four to have a constant runny nose. Some children don't seem to mind but I wonder. Can't be all that healthy for the rest of the class either.