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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sitting on the other Side of the Bed. . .

Women make a life inside their body & that life comes out and holds onto them--clings to them--calls them up from school and says, "I'm sick, Ma, Come pick me up." That baby is theirs for life. Don't you see? To be able to look back from their side of the bed, with their eyes, at last! --Prelude to a Kiss

This week I have had sick children again. Tessa has been sick most of the week and she has been very clingy and needy. I have spent a lot of time just holding her and laying next to her to comfort her. Then on Friday, Nathan called me and asked me to pick him up from school because he was sick and as I was driving to pick him up, this quote ran through my head. I thought of what a blessing it is that I am at home when my children call me and need me. I feel blessed to be able to see life from the "other side of the bed" -from a Mother's perspective. It certainly isn't all roses but I feel like I understand so much more and my perspective feels more complete as I try to see things from how I saw them as a child and now as a mother. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that I am in a situation where I can answer my children's calls and their needs. I have felt like I need to find ways to be there for them even more than I currently am. It is interesting how sickness obligates us to slow down and take care of the things that are really important. This week was a gift, because I stopped to evaluate the amount and quality of time I spend with my children. I only hope to do better as each day passes.


Marc Gingell said...

I like that quote! Tasha missed three days this past week also because she was sick. They called me 1/2 hr after she got to school on Monday to pick her up. I'm glad I can be home all day with them and Marc is here with them at night. We're lucky to be able to have our schedules that way.

Heather said...

Things really do have a way of working out for the best, and good for you for finding the positive in having sick kids! I noticed you have books (that you've read) added to your blog. Have you ever heard of My sister turned me on to it. Go check it out, it's pretty cool.