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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Movie and More with Grandma May

I am going to attempt to catch up on all the "fun" things we have done this summer. Unfortunately we haven't done as many fun things as I had wanted-in fact someone asked Tessa a couple of weeks ago what she'd done this summer--Her reply? "Cleaning." Yes her room looks a touch better but it still needs work. I have tried to throw a few fun things in too so and I have pictures to prove it! So I'll be sorting through those over the next few weeks.

The kids (minus Kielle) went to see G-Force today with Grandma May. They thought it was pretty cool to see it in 3-D. She also took them to lunch and then Grandma and the girls went for a walk by Provo River while the boys played video games at their cousin, Kevin's house.

Grandma sent me a photo of Tessa on the trail. Such a cutie!


Leslie Moseley said...

Darling... so where was Kielle?

buttercup said...
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buttercup said...

Kielle already had had plans to spend the day with a friend she hadn't seem in a while so she opted to stick with those plans.