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Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School!

Well, the summer zipped by incredibly fast. I don't think we did everything we wanted to and here we are back to school again. The kids have GREAT teachers this year. I am hoping they will progress much. The first day of school they were all ready more than an hour before school started so we walked but even then we were there a half hour before school started. Yeaterday was the same thing--everyone up early and ready to go an hour before school. But on day three. Today, Kielle woke up in a bad mood 5 minutes before they would have had to leave if they walked and Tessa woke up saying that she felt too sick to go to school. I think with Tessa, she just isn't used to having to wake up so early every day and with Kielle she just didn't want to walk. she got out of it today but next time she might not be so lucky....

Here are the kids right before we left the house on the first day of school:

As for me, since I am not working right now, I am trying to catch up on housework and get a schedule in place where I can be as productive as possible. So far this week I have been catching up on laundry. I am almost there. I have to do 3 loads a day on a regular basis to stay caught up so right now I have been doing 6 or 7! I find that if I throw in a load 1st thing in the morning I get more done than if I wait til later. Funny how that works.

I am excited to have the whole day to accomplish things. I can even go all the way to SLC if I want to during the school day and still get back in time for school to be out! Crazy!

1 comment:

Migaloo said...

So you'll be visiting up here regularly. Cool.