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Monday, April 27, 2009


From 2009-04-27 (by Eye-Fi)

I just got my trial eye-fi today! So Tessa and I were messing around with the camera and taking some fun pictures to see how well they uploaded wirelessly. I took these photos outside and by the time I came in most of them had already uploaded to both my computer and picasa. pretty nifty. Can't wait to give it a try over the next 3 weeks.

From 2009-04-27 (by Eye-Fi)


tink said...

Color me green! It looks like you not only have a cool new toy, but you had fun with your daughter...can't ask for a better day.

Heather Walker said...

How awesome! I didn't even know there was such a thing. How fun! Tessa is so cute! I love the first pic.