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Monday, April 6, 2009

Awards Assembly

The school gives out monthly recognition awards every month for the students. Tessa received one at the start of the school year and I totally spaced it! I wasn't even doing anything else I just spaced it. My kids told me she went up to receive her award crying because I wasn't there. And for a little while she would use that to guilt trip me--
"Mommy, do you still feel bad about missing my award ceremony? I need some ice cream."

So last week I was able to redeem myself when she received another award. Phew!

Nathan, Ryan & Tessa all received different awards--Nathan received on a scholarship award, Ryan received a citizenship award and Tessa got a special recognition for being a good friend. Ada also received a Scholarship award last month, but I didn't get pictures and in all honesty I arrived right AFTER she received her award, but at least I made it and we sat together for the rest of the award ceremony. I am so pleased with their accomplishments! They are great kids!


Sonia said...

I never noticed before how much Nathan looks like the boy version of you. This straight-on picture really wowed me.

amylouwhosews said...

the manipulation starts early, no?