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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Did I mention that I was feeling frazzled?

This morning in my rush to get off to a church meeting I failed to see the pile of bricks sitting in front of my car for a landscaping project we are working on (Even though I KNEW they were there and I ran right over them denting the front bumper and wheel well of our car! This did not start my day off well...


heidizinha said...

please tell me why things like this happen when we're on our way to do good things? like church?

Anonymous said...

Me, too. On my way out of church today a very nice older woman stopped me and said "you're too young to be frazzled" and I really just stood there staring at her (she must have thought I was nuts) because my mind couldn't wrap around the concept. "Wait, is she saying I look frazzled?" (!!!!) "What does she mean I'm too young?" "Is no one else frazzled but me?" etc etc.
I'm obviously in way over my head when simple statements enter my brain and it takes a good 5 mintues to compute the meaning.

Sort of like knowing the bricks are there but running them over anyway. Sorry about your car!

Holly O. said...

I sideswiped our house last year for no good reason. My mind was a million different places...and not one of which was actually DRIVING the car. I feel crazy most days for the last year, although the extreme comes in waves.

Maybe a family picture would cheer you up! I'll let you know next time I am up there. Nothing is planned yet, but I'll probably venture up sometime in July.

Heather said...

Oh dang! I have swipped the side of my old house a couple of times. I even (just once) ran into my neighbors mailbox while pulling out. All 3 times, I was going to church!! Hang in there.