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Friday, September 28, 2007

Marilyn Monroe

Career Step threw a company party in celebration of reaching 800 sales in one month. At the party we played the GO Game. We went to Center Street in Provo and were given specific places to go, pictures or videos to take or trivia to solve to via text message. Some of our challenges included taking a picture that recreate a famous piece of artwork or pop culture image. We went into Taylor Maid which is a local costume shop and they helped us out by letting us borrow a Marilyn Monroe costume complete with wig and 3 inch heels. I got to pose it was a lot of fun. We also had to go into Juice and Java and use a pick-up line on "Captain Hotpants" and the he would give us a code so we could move on to the next stage of our game. I got nominated to do that one. I walked into the Juice shop and saw the guy who I thought it was and walked out again cause I was afraid of "hitting on" someone who wasn't playing the game, but I gained courage re-entered and got the code after my great pickup line was delivered. There were several more fun missions like this. Afterwards we went to dinner and our entertainment for the evening was a comedian named John Moyer he wrote "the Singles Ward" and "Mobsters and Mormons." He was pretty funny. We were also entertained by the photos and videos we had taken throughout the afternoon and voted on the most creative ones. My team came in 8th out of 12! Woo Hoo! Our Prize was an assortment of false teeth! I love working for Career Step! I think I will have access to the photos within a week or two and I will post them when I do.

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