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Sunday, December 20, 2009

December Advent: Day Nineteen

I am taking a different approach to this "advent" because some of the prompts are similar and so I feel like I had already answered them. I know I am behind and I will put pages up as I finish them, but here is what we did last night and our tradition associated with it.

We have a family tradition of going to see the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights. We have missed a year here and there, but generally have tried to make it every year. We love looking at all the beautiful lights they have on display. It is particularly beautiful when there is lots of snow on the ground. They charge $5 per vehicle so sometimes you see people bundled up in blankets sitting on a huge trailer pulled by a truck. Our family enjoys seeing the familiar favorites as well as what new things they have added. Part of our tradition is going out to Coldstone for Ice Cream afterwards. It is always cold but we LOVE it! This year we started our day with the kids shopping for Christmas presents with Dad and then Mom joined everyone for dinner at the new In-N-Out burger joint, Followed by more shopping to kill time till it got dark and then off to the lights and ice cream! We were glad we went early because when we left the lights, the line to get in was a mile long!


tink said...

You have such clever ideas! I hope your children appreciate all the effort you put into making fun memories for them. You are a super mom, in every sense. And I love how fancy these posts look. Well done.

amylouwhosews said...

fun!! i want to come!