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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Yes, I know I am abyssmaly behind in family events seeing as Kindergarten Graduation was May 21st. We are done with Kindergarten. This is somewhat bittersweet for me because I am really excited to have the whole day to accomplish things. Kindergarten kind of cuts your days in half. There isn't enough time to run all the errands I wanted to in either the morning before kindergarten or in the afternoon during. So now if I want to go to SLC during the school day I can. But I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with Tessa while the rest of the kids were at school and I will really miss that. I guess I will just have to start taking my kids on "mommy-child dates" so we get out one on one time that way.

I love these cute little graduation caps they made out of bowls and paper:
And Tessa had the Greatest Kindergarten Teacher: Mrs. George! We loved her so much and were so glad that she was Ryan & Tessa's Kindergarten Teacher! We will miss her for sure!


Leslie Moseley said...

Tessa is SO adorable. I just loved getting the last child through Kindergarten for those very reasons... not enough time to anything with your day!

tink said...

Congrats to Tessa! And I love the hats too. So clever. When I was in Kindergarten, I liked a boy named David. In 1st grade it was Tim. I see a trend here. I'm sure Tessa is more academically focused. ;-)

Sonia said...

Tessa doesn't look like you AT ALL, does she? (psht!) What a cutie!